Monday, February 13, 2017

💜Valentine’s Day💜
... Happy Valentine's Day!February 14th❤
Valentine’s Day is a day where many around the world give and exchange candy, flowers, and/or gifts. This occurs around loved ones or even acquaintances and friends.
Valentine’s Day is a known holiday that connects to both Christian and ancient Roman traditions. As the Catholic Church sees and recognizes three different saints known as Valentine or Valentinus. There is a legend of Valentine, a priest who was known to have defied Emperor Claudius II. His order was to outlaw marriage for young lovers. This was due to the emperor’s belief that men who are single become better soldiers than those with wives and families. Although Valentine disagreed with this law, so he would perform marriages for young couples in secret. Eventually he was discovered and later put to death by the order of Claudius II.
Although other differing stories may have been told, a story suggested that Valentine was killed while attempting to help Christians escape the Roman prisons where they were beaten and tortured.

Valentines Day Card ... Another told legend was of Valentine who was imprisoned, and while being imprisoned he fell in love with a young girl. This was when he sent the first known “valentine” greeting himself. Before his death it was told that he wrote a letter signed “From your valentine”
Like in the United States, Valentine’s Day is also celebrated in Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, France, and Australia. In Great Britain Valentine’s Day began to become celebrated around the 17th century.
Valentine’s Day is not an observed day for schools and work offices. Although it is widely celebrated between loved ones. The popularity of this day is to celebrate a day of love. This day of love is usually around your significant other, friends, relatives, and acquaintances.  
I usually celebrate Valentine’s Day with my friends. I make treats and candy bags for friends and hand them out. I have always done that every year. I have a friend who’s birthday is on the 14th, and I always give her a homemade gift. I honestly feel this day can be special, depending on how you feel on this day. It’s all a matter of a person’s perspective on certain things.

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